Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Loveliness :)

Decorating a magical enormous pinecone...

A beautiful Christmas Birdie from my gorgeous friend Megan at Frou Frou Frippery...

One of the many (if I told you how many there are, you'd know how old I am!) decorations Mum has given me every year...

A few gifts, waiting patiently for transportation to our Christmas Destination...(hiding in the mailbag is Jarvis's's so cool I wanted to post a picture yesterday, but can't in case he sees it!) 

Home made stockings, hanging from the pot hanging thingee...the one on the left (with the mouse) was made by Mum when I was little, the one on the right I made myself one year, and Jarvis's stocking is hiding at the back. I really need to make one for Shane! 

A lovely fairy-angel...

Our special top-of-the-tree fairy-angel...her name is Stella & we bought her when we lived in Canada :) 

A fantastical clothes-peg Rudolph. Can't wait 'til next year, when I'll attempt to make some of these bad boys with Jarvis!

Ahhhhhhh, Christmas :) When the PAFT lady came this morning she commented on how lovely the Christmassy music coming from our house was...she could hear it as she walked up the path. 

Christmas 'round here is all about sharing food, wine & laughter with family. We're off to my sister's place, where Jarvis can tear around the lawn on his ******* (Mystery Christmas Present - Thank you, one day sale websites. Thank you so much...), with Bec's small dog in the ******* (who knows, maybe Jarvis can not to write the actual words. You'll just have to wait & see!). 

Hopefully we won't eat ourselves into repletion as we did last year (that was just a little out of control...there's feasting & then there's total madness!), and we can spend the afternoon sitting in the shade & not having to be anywhere, or do anything except watch the bbq smoke away. 

In the evening perhaps some trivial pursuit, perhaps poker (which I suck at so badly that I tend not to play!), maybe even some crazy playdough cranium action. 

Happiness :) 


  1. Looking lovely and festive at your house! :o)

  2. So cool.
    thanks for linking up and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
    PS it's never too late to link; the linky will be open until christmas eve :)
