Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Tree!

This is what happens when you combine a pine tree allergy, a bean obelisk from Bunnings, some plastic chicken wire, a zillion plastic supermarket bags, and about fifteen hours ;) 

I spent every Jarvis Sleep Time for a couple of weeks sitting in the lounge, tying little bits of plastic bag onto the tree! I started wondering if I was completely insane, and maybe one of those fake trees from the warehouse might have been a better plan. Kinda glad I hung in there though, it looks pretty damned cool. And I won't have my traditional Christmas eczema - yay! 


  1. Kath, that tree is a-may-zing! Well done girlfriend.

  2. Does look awesome! That's so clever!!!

  3. That looks incredible, Kath!!! What an awesome tree - looks sooo amazing and is truly 'green' - well done!!!
